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Authored By: Dantsoho M. A., Abashi J, A, Moga E

Article Number: 1654092037

Received Date: May 2nd 2022 Published Date: June 1st 2022

Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

This article examines Nigerian Education and the challenge of political leadership in the country. Education is the systematic and institutionalized transmission of knowledge, skills, values and norms that are acceptable in time and space. The process of transmission has both content and method. In this regards, certain functions associated with the process must be made apparent so as to guide classroom practice for those who are responsible for dispensing these processes. The process of educating the individual or group of individuals at all stages of education is influenced by the political leadership of the country in one way or the other. Education is the best legacy and right of every citizen; hence government functionaries must play vital roles in the management of education.    The political leadership of a country greatly affects the kind and standard of education a country has or is hoping to have. The nation’s education system most often is anchored on the political ideologies of its leaders who are the mediators of national policies. This suggests that it is difficult to separate politics from the education system of a country and Nigeria is not an exception as the case with other countries of the world. Political leaders have influence over education which in turn determines to a large extent the type of leadership in a country.   This study uses secondary sources of information in the process of analyzing issues. The information gathered proves that there are challenges in education as a result of the activities of political elites. For the challenges to be eradicated or reduced to the barest minimum government must address the arising challenges with all the seriousness it deserves.

Abashi, J. A., Moga, E, & Dantsoho M, A. (2022). Nigerian education and challenge of political leadership. Journal of Science, Technology and Education (JSTE); 6(2), 15-22

Dantsoho M. A.
Nasarawa State University Keffi
Abashi J, A
Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Moga E
Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria