Article Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

The Journal of Science, Technology and Education (JSTE) is a peer reviewed Journal of the Department of Science Technology and Mathematics Education (STME) of the Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State of University, State, Nigeria.

The Editorial Board of this Journal welcomes scholarly and original articles (theoretical and Empirical) on current issues in the field Science, Technology, Mathematics, Engineering, Education and other allied disciplines that have Educational value to national and universal application.

Therefore, interested scholars and researchers can summit manuscripts for publication. In doing this, the following guidelines should be adhered to:

  • Article should be typed in double-line spacing.
  • Articles should not exceed 15 pages of A4 paper in 12 points new time romans including abstract, reference and appendances; and should be written in English. Any paper/articles exceeding 15 pages shall attract extra charges.
  • Abstract should not exceed 200 words in single line spacing on separate page.
  • All articles submitted for publication should adopt the current APA style of citation and referencing.
  • The cover page should bear the title of the article, author(s) name(s), E-mail, GSM number(s), academic/institutional affiliation and status/tittle.
  • Articles with table and numbered in Hindus Arabic numerals (e.g Table 1, Table 2, etc) and should not flow over to the next page. The table number and the title should appear on the table and highlighted following APA format.
  • All in text Citations and References should conform strictly with current APA style.