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Authored By: Longshal, W. M.

Article Number: 1707481963

Received Date: December 29th 2023 Published Date: February 9th 2024

Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

The study was carried out to develop entrepreneurial skill training modules in quail production (house construction, management, disease prevention, and control) for farmers in Plateau State. Two research questions were raised to guide the study, and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study employed instrumentation design, which is a specific form of research and development (R & D). Mean and standard deviation were employed to answer the research questions, while t-test statistic was used to test the null hypotheses. The population was 618. The sample size was 428, consisting of 135 potential quail farmers, 113 practicing quail farmers, and 180 agricultural extension agents. Multistage sampling technique was adopted. A structured questionnaire containing 78 items was used for data collection. Experts subjected the instruments to content validation. The reliability coefficient for the instrument was determined using Cronbach alpha reliability test. It was found that 36 entrepreneurial skill items were needed for quail’s house construction and management, while 24 entrepreneurial skills were needed for disease prevention, control, and management. The result found that there was no significant difference in the mean performance of potential and practicing quail farmers trained using the modules. It was recommended, among others, that entrepreneurs should make use of the modules for the purpose of conducting interviews to select qualified persons in order to improve their production and that quail production should be an integral part of the agricultural science curriculum at the junior secondary school level. It was concluded that learning took place, that potential quail farmers performed as well as practicing quail farmers, and that if potential quail farmers were engaged, using these modules, positive results would be achieved.

Longshal, W. M. (2024). Development of entrepreneurial skill training modules in quail farming for farmers in Plateau State. Journal of Science, Technology, and Education (JSTE); 1(1), 1-19.

Longshal, W. M.
FCT College of Education Zuba Abuja