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Authored By: Paul V., L, H, Abubakar, K, M Allahnana, N, D Dogara, O Okwori

Article Number: 1613026682

Received Date: January 4th 2021 Published Date: February 11th 2021

Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

This study investigated the influence of educational attainment on personal financial management of pre-retirement of secondary school teachers’ in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. Three research questions and their corresponding hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study used descriptive survey research design. The population was 5,914 teachers in 148 senior secondary schools. Multistage stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 367 secondary teachers.  Educational Attainment and Personal Financial Management Questionnaire (EAPFM) was developed by the researchers for data collection. EAPFM was validated by experts which yielded 0.087 validity index and Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the reliability of the internal consistency of the instrument which gave 0.085 reliability index. The data collected for this study were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while Chi-square (X2) was used to test hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance.  Findings of the study revealed that there was significant influence of educational attainment on pre-retired secondary school teachers; there was no significant influence educational attainment on personal financial management of pre-retirement secondary school teachers and there was significant influence of educational attainment on entrepreneurship skills acquisition of pre-retirement secondary school teachers in FCT, Abuja. It was recommended that pre-retirement counselling programme should be given to teacher retirees in various aspects of retirement adjustment to enable them cope with the exigencies of retirement.

Abubakar, L, H.; Allahnana, K, M.; Dogara, N, D.; Okwori, O. & Paul, V. (2021). Influence of Educational Attainment on Personal Financial Management of Pre-Retirement of Secondary School Teachers in FCT Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Science, Technology and Education (JSTE); 5(1), 13-35.

Paul V.
Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria
L, H, Abubakar
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Nile University of Nigeria, Jabi,-FCT.
K, M Allahnana
Nasarawa State University Keffi
N, D Dogara
Nasarawa State Board of Internal Revenue Service Lafia, Nigeria
O Okwori
Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, Nasarawa State University, Keffi