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Authored By: P. D. Dalaham, M. Saliha

Article Number: 1703083531

Received Date: December 5th 2023 Published Date: December 20th 2023

Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

Nitrate levels in our water resources have increased in many areas of the world largely due to applications of inorganic fertilizer and animal manure in agricultural areas. The regulatory limit for nitrate in public drinking water supplies was set to protect against infant methemoglobinemia, but other health effects were not considered. Risk of specific cancers and birth defects may be increased when nitrate is ingested under conditions that increase formation of N-nitroso compounds. This study investigated the nitrate level in underground waters and some foods. The study revealed that dug wells seems to be the most prone to nitrate contamination and that wells with high nitrates were those located in close proximity to pit latrines and septic tanks. The nitrate values in wells water are affected by depth and distance from septic tanks and construction of the wells. It was also revealed that boreholes with high nitrate concentrations are those located in close proximity to the septic tanks. The nitrate values in water from boreholes also dependent on depth and construction of the boreholes and also upon their was revealed that the level of nitrate contamination in the samples both dug well and drilled boreholes are generally below the World Health Organization (WHO) specified unit of 45mg/I, with high nitrate concentrations in some foods with green beans having the highest concentration. The study concluded that the level of nitrate concentration in underground waters and foods are dependent on the physical and chemical characteristics of the leachates, types of soil, and fertilizers used and method of its fertilizer application, proximity to septic tanks, pit latrines, open drains and depth of the water supply. The study therefore recommended that there is an urgent need to introduce routine analysis of water sources to determine the level of Nitrates in our water system

Dalaham, P. D. and Saliha M. (2023). An Assessment of the level of nitrates in dug water sources and selected foods in Jos Plateau. Journal of Science, Technology, and Education (JSTE); 6(11), 113-129.

P. D. Dalaham
FCT College of Education Zuba Abuja
M. Saliha
FCT College of Education Zuba Abuja