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Authored By: O. Uchegbulam,, M. Eruotor,

Article Number: 1709415647

Received Date: January 8th 2024 Published Date: March 2nd 2024

Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

The need for portable groundwater in the area necessitated this prospecting using the electrical resistivity method. Earth resistivity meter was used to acquire the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) data using Schlumberger configuration. Acquired data were subjected to manual computation and application of processing software. The results revealed four geoelectric sections of the KH curve. Topsoil, sand, sandy clay and coarse sand were delineated. Topsoil has a resistivity of 69.3 Ohm-m and thickness of 0.7m, the second layer is composed of sand has a resistivity of 196.9 Ohm-m and thickness of 5.9m; being a sedimentary terrain, groundwater can be exploited in this layer, but may not be portable due to its nearness to the surface. The third layer is composed of sandy clay with a resistivity of 66.8 Ohm-m and a thickness of 38.7 m, this layer is an aquiclude and water cannot be transmitted easily. The fourth substratum is composed of coarse sand with a resistivity of 341.7 Ohm-m at a depth of 46 m and beyond. Coarse sand is the confined aquifer where portable groundwater can be exploited in wet and dry seasons. It is recommended that boreholes be drilled to at least 46 m to get portable water. 

Uchegbulam, O. & Eruotor, M. (2024). Groundwater prospect using electrical resistivity method in Koko Area, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Science, Technology, and Education (JSTE); 7(4), 46-55.

O. Uchegbulam,
Department of Physics with Electronics, Western Delta University, Oghara, Nigeria.
M. Eruotor,
Department of Physics with Electronics, Western Delta University, Oghara, Nigeria.