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Authored By: Abiodun T. O, Asanre A. A., Ogundeji M. A, Odupe T. A, Rasaki M. G

Article Number: 1654178603

Received Date: March 30th 2022 Published Date: June 2nd 2022

Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

This study examined the influence of teachers’ characteristics on students’ Achievement in mathematics in Ogun State, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted for the study.  Three research question and three hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study comprises of 8, 334 Senior Secondary School students and teachers. Simple Randon Sampling Technique  was used to select four hundred and eight (408) respondents comprises of 360 students and 48 mathematics teachers from twelve (12) public secondary schools. Two instruments used for data collection were Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and a Structured Questionnaire on teachers’ factor (QTF). The reliability of MAT was 0.86 using the test-retest reliability method and the reliability of QTF using Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was 0.79. Research question were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the hypotheses were analysed using inferential statistics of independent T-test. The study revealed that teacher’s attitude has significant influence on students’ achievement in Mathematics. Moreover, teacher’s job satisfaction has significant influence on students’ achievement in Mathematics. Furthermore, the study established that students’ achievement in mathematics can be affected by the qualification of teachers. The study recommended among others, that teachers should exhibit positive attitudes toward the students during teaching and learning process in and outside the classroom.

Abiodun, T. O, Asanre, A. A, Ogundeji,  M. A, Odupe, T. A, & Rasaki, M. G. (2022). Influence of teachers’ characteristics on students’ achievement in mathematics in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Science, Technology and Education (JSTE); 6(3), 16-22.

Abiodun T. O
Department of Mathematics, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun. P.M.B 2118 Ijebu- Ode. Ogun-State
Asanre A. A.
Department of Mathematics, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun. P.M.B 2118 Ijebu- Ode. Ogun-State
Ogundeji M. A
Department of Mathematics, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun. P.M.B 2118 Ijebu- Ode. Ogun-State
Odupe T. A
Department of Mathematics, Micheal Otedole College of Primary Education, Noforija, Epe , Lagos State.
Rasaki M. G
Department of Mathematics, Micheal Otedole College of Primary Education, Noforija, Epe , Lagos State.